field summer animal countryside
Photo by Silke Jabs on

Are you one of the lost sheep, or are you helping the Shepherd bring them back to the fold?

There is a broad meaning for the word Lost. Some of those are….. disconnected, confused, misguided, doubtful, misunderstood, isolated, and deceived. I am sure there are many more descriptions. Basically anything that takes you away from a path of peace to a world of uncertainty. Only you can really know for yourself what makes you feel lost.

Most of us have experienced getting lost when driving somewhere which really isn’t any fun and maybe even a little frightening, especially at night. We’ve all had a good laugh in our family over my lack of the ability to reverse directions. I simply can’t do it! My brain doesn’t work that way. Years ago, I would have my husband draw me a map to the place I was driving to and another map to get me from the place back to my home. (Turning the first map around didn’t work for me.) I hate getting lost to this day especially when someone destroys or changes one of my landmarks. I hate the feeling of uncertainty. Google maps are confusing!!!

We can feel lost physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually. PTSD took away my ability to function mentally and see things in a healthy way with clarity and understanding. I have felt lost emotionally during trials and hardships over the years and sin and my poor choices have allowed the adversary to create my greatest feeling of ‘lost’ called deception.

I can testify that no one needs to feel lost. There is always someone we can turn to for help and direction. It might mean that we have to step out of our comfort zone a little and seek help. Recently I have been serving as a ward missionary which has also taken me out of my comfort zone, but I have already witnessed finding some of our Father in Heavens lost sheep. My number one responsibility is to love them.

Our Savior Jesus Christ is the Shepherd who desires for all of God’s flock to return safely home. At times we will be one of the lost sheep and at other times we can help the Shepherd to bring His sheep back to the fold where there is clarity, guidance and peace.

by Tanya Christiansen comments welcome

1 Nephi 22:25.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture.”

We can serve the Lord by Finding His Lost Sheep