sea of clouds sunrise wallpaper
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If you have been following my blog at all, you know by now that I am a person who desires to Become more and Do more. Some might refer to this as “Divine Discontent”. Divine… because we are heirs of a King…and Discontent….because it is our God given nature to want to progress and become greater. This discontent in each of us is the driving force that will lead us to becoming more like Our Father in Heaven.

In my younger years I tried to convince myself that I was Content, but there was always that desire inside of me to achieve something or become good at something. For all of you who know I love to play the piano you might be wondering if that comes easy for me. Well the answer is sometimes yes, but generally that is within the walls of my own home, and also after tons of practicing. Playing in front of an audience is quite a different story. I often become very nervous. I hope to conquer that someday. The only way that can happen is if I keep trying.

The road to success is not always easy in fact…it is more likely never easy. Even when great effort is applied, there will be mistakes, stumbles, and falls. How do you react when after great effort to accomplish something you still make mistakes? I wish I could say that I always just jump up and keep going but the truth is, that sometimes… I allow the paralyzing discouragement of the adversary to get to me and I listen to his lies that tell me I can’t do it.

There will always be road blocks in our path to success. We may at times be required to slow down or take a break, or even find a new dream. These past few weeks have been frustrating for me as a problem with my heart has required me to rest more while my body heals. I don’t understand all the reasons why this has happened to me. Maybe for me to learn that others can step in and take some of my responsibilities or maybe so that I could write this post for you. But whatever the reason is I know that hard things can humble us and draw us closer to God.

I can testify that our Heavenly Father can and will help us to achieve greater personal capacity in all areas of our lives as we exercise faith in his plan and put forth effort. Part of having faith in His plan is accepting mortality as a time for learning and growth. Making mistakes may be an unpleasant part of that learning process… but a neccessary part to becoming perfect enough to someday be in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Savior and receive Eternal blessings!

Be patient with yourself! You will get there!!! Don’t let hard things stop your progress!

by Tanya Christiansen