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I always thought that PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome) was only something that affected those who had been involved in combat. I witnessed first hand the effects war can have on one’s life when my brother returned home, severely injured from fighting on the front line of the Vietnam conflict. Life wasn’t the same for him and came with many challenges to overcome. Some that still trouble him today.

Because of my limited understanding of PTSD I was quite shocked when my therapist diagnosed me with PTSD and Complex Trauma. The fact is that anyone can have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome who has either witnessed or experienced something traumatic. Some are able to process this kind of event without it having negative effects on their life. While others are deeply affected having this trauma almost consume their every decision and action…damaging them as a person.

Perceiving your trauma for what it is and not allowing it to change you and your personality is much easier said than done. There are many things that can trigger your trauma bringing that event back to life as if it was happenning again. I wish I could say that my PTSD didn’t affect me much, but the truth is… it did! It affected my self esteem. It affected my relationships. It affected my personality and ability to trust others. It took away my enjoyment. It made me afraid to be around people. It kept me from knowing my true identity as a child of God.

My formula for overcoming the effects of PTSD is P-prayer, T-trust in my S– Savior and D- Determination to succeed. You don’t have to allow your trauma to affect your life. Invite God to help you by praying. In time you will learn that you can trust your Father in Heaven to always be there with unconditional love for you. He will strengthen you. Jesus Christ felt all of the trauma that all of God’s children will witness or experience. He Atoned for all suffering and injustices so that your burden can be transferred to Him. With divine help, faith in Christ and a determination to be strengthened, PTSD becomes manageable or non-existent allowing you to find peace and happiness.

Don’t Let Trauma decide what kind of Life you will have. Seek help if needed!

by Tanya Christiansen

Other related posts of mine:

From Hurting to Healing and

Changing Our Thought Process