Yesterday is gone! No matter how hard you try you can never have that day back, to relive or change. It has now become part of your past. Maybe yesterday was a day of a wonderful and happy event or perhaps the worst day of your life. The only benefit of the past (in my opinion) is to recall good memories, lessons learned and moments of divine inspiration and guidance. It can also be beneficial to look briefly at the past to evaluate where you were and where you are today. Recalling those things can be of great worth, but….dwelling on past mistakes, bad choices and things we have no power to change can pull us down to the depths of despair. I testify that Satan is as real as our Father in Heaven and he will use the negative things of our past to destroy us! The exciting news is….. we all have Today!!! Every twenty four hours we have a glorious new day, another chance to make a difference, to break a habit, to try again.

I unfortunately spent the majority of my life dwelling on the past. Famous words in my vocabulary were, “if only”, “I wish” and “why me.” My new focus is Living in the Present, making the most of each day, striving to be a little kinder, a little more patient and a little wiser in my choices. Living in the present has been something that I have had to practice. Like any other skill I have tried to learn, it has taken a conscious effort on my part. It hasn’t always been easy to keep my mind from wandering to the past or worrying about the future. I have found that living in the present has greatly reduced my stress. Of course I have long term goals that I hope to achieve someday, but my main focus is on my attitude and actions Today!

I recently read an article called, “Go Forth With Faith” which contained the following quote.

“You will experience greater progress in life when you wholly commit to your decisions and strive to excel in your current circumstances even while you have an eye open to the future. This is the day of our opportunity and we must grasp it.”

Pay attention to your thoughts, for your thoughts become your actions and remember if today is less than ideal, there is always tomorrow.

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