purple blossoms on tree on building corner
Photo by Necip Duman on Pexels.com

I have often heard that those who use landmarks such as buildings to guide them to their destination, is a Utah thing. Or perhaps it is ‘old school‘ but a habit that I still depend on. Even now that it is fairly simple to put an address in your phone and receive step by step directions, I still find myself looking for familiar landmarks.

Rarely can you accomplish anything, or reach a destination without some kind of guidance, instruction or a landmark. It might be a person who instructs you, a lesson manual or a certain building on a corner. Each of those provide guidance.

But what of life’s landmarks? Do we not also need guidance to provide for our families, teach our children, and take care of our health. None of us are born all knowing. We are surrounded by instructions and directions of every kind.

I depend greatly on instructions from the Holy Ghost and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those are the landmarks that will guide me to my Eternal home where my loved ones reside. Spiritual instructions help me to become a better person and develop those Christlike attributes that will bring eternal joy and peace into my life!

Where do you turn for guidance?

by Tanya Christiansen