shallow focus photo of mail envelope on newspaper
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Thinking back to 1972 when it was common for people to actually write with a pen, letters from home were something that I looked forward to! I was young and married and living in a little tiny trailer house far away from home. Receiving letters and cards in the mail had a way of lifting my spirits.

This world is so wrapped up in technology and electronics that I can’t help feeling that we are losing sight of those precious and simple things such as an expression of love in a heartfelt letter to someone you care about. (With a pen.) I too am guilty of grabbing my phone to shoot off a quick text to someone, all too often. There’s just something more personal and more thoughtful about written words. And somehow a letter in my mailbox means more to me than a text or email.

Our Heavenly Father longs to communicate with each of His children. The Holy Scriptures are letters from home…. our Heavenly Home. So many times when I have been reading the scriptures I have felt as if a certain passage was written just for me…..just like a letter in the mail. With that passage comes a feeling that I matter to someone even when I feel that no one cares!

Pick up a pen and write to someone you care about!!!

by Tanya Christiansen