black bell during daytime
One Nation Under God
flag of u s displaying on pole

How do you let Freedom Ring? Is there a price to pay? Living in this great country is a priviledge. So many paved the way! First, those who sacrificed much to settle here in this promised land, and second, those who have served in battle to keep us free!

Some lost their lives, others lost their limbs, sight, the ability to walk, take care of themselves and do those things they once enjoyed. Freedom is not free!

Being a true American comes with responsibility. We can let freedom ring by serving our neighbor, by respecting our leaders and being grateful for living in such a great country. We can move forward with faith and courage ready to make sacrifices if necessary. We can stand tall with integrity, expressing proudly our standards and values to the world!

Thank you to God our Heavenly Father who had a plan that included this great nation where we have agency to choose for ourselves, and a place where we can worship as we desire. We are Americans by choice, not chance.

I’m Proud to be an American!!!

by Tanya Christiansen