unrecognizable woman jogging along footpath in park
Photo by Enric Cruz López on Pexels.com

We all have a ‘past‘ wether it was yesterday, last week, last year… or many years ago. Your past may have been something you learned from, something with fond memories or something traumatic that won’t let your mind rest. Dwelling on anything from the past excessively can prevent you from finding joy in the present and hope in the future.

Losing a loved one can make it difficult to move forward. I use to think that grieving somehow measured how much I loved that person and to move forward would show a lack of love. I know now that my loved ones who have passed on would want me to find joy in my life.

Past mistakes are much the same. When you have done all you can to right a wrong, let it go so you can find peace. And when others have done wrong by you, forgive and let God be the judge. Don’t let that person rob you of another day of peace and joy!

Our memories are there to remind us, console us, and teach us, but they are not meant to consume us. Some memories may haunt us more than they help us.

I have lived being consumed by my past to the point of it making me physically ill. If dwelling on your past is hurting your well being then let it go! You can find joy in the present and look forward to the future!!!

Keep the Past where it belongs…..in the Past!

by Tanya Christiansen