We have all been touched by the passing of a loved one. It is truly one of the most difficult experiences in mortality. Death separates us from those we love for a time. Since my brother passed away a little over a month ago I have been pondering the phrase ‘laid to rest’. When suffering is prolonged the passing can bring rest. Rest from pain, rest from limitations, rest from disease, rest from an aging body that no longer works the way we want it to and rest from worldly cares. This was truly the case for my brother for he suffered for so many years.

There are other things just as crippling as disease, physical limitations and aging. By taking a good look at ourselves and paying attention to our feelings we may find things that our holding us back from being who God intends for us to be.

Can we lay to rest a grudge we are holding on to, hurtful words that we can’t seem to let go, or the thought that we will never be good enough? Taking the time to ponder and laying to rest those things that harm us can rejuvenate our soul.

Lay it to rest and find peace!!!

by Tanya Christiansen