sunset sky over sea and lighthouse located on hill

Beacons of Light shining brightly from a lighthouse serve as a navigational aid to warn boats and ships of dangerous areas. Sea captains depend on that light to help keep them safe.

As we navigate our way through life we have not been left alone without light to guide us and warn us of danger. We have all been born with the light of Christ and if that light is nourished it will illuminate the correct path we should take. But without nourishment the light will grow dim and eventually burn out.

Our bodies are the house where our spirit dwells. Is there Light in your house? Does your testimony and faith in Jesus Christ radiate light in your countenance for others to see? This navigational gift our Father in Heaven has given each of his children can not only keep you safe but can guide others to safety as well. Where there is the light of Jesus Christ there is no darkness.

This past weekend I was able to spend a few glorious hours feeling, hearing and seeing the warmth and light of Jesus Christ shining from others through word and song. These powerful testimonies strengthened and fed my spirit!

I testify that striving to live the teachings of Jesus Christ will fill your soul with more and more light. And as your light increases you will know exactly where you are headed and your path will be bright and your future will be illuminated with the blessings and promises of Eternal Life!

D&C 50:24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”

by Tanya Christiansen