a grayscale of a balance scale

How many times have you compared your worst with someone else’s best? That use to be something I did alot…. its no wonder I always came up short and feeling like I failed. Do you view others as having it all together? Successful and totally happy? If you could look on the inside of that person who seems to be doing everything right, I can guarantee that you would find them to have their own set of struggles and weaknesses. We all have them no matter how we appear on the outside.

I personally feel that sharing those weaknesses and showing our vulnerable side can not only benefit ourselves, but can also help others to stop making irrational comparisons. This mortal life, (or test) is just as it should be. Our Heavenly Father loves His children so much that he wants us to grow, and growth comes through the struggles and trials we each encounter during our lives. The scriptures teach that there needs to be opposition in all things. There cannot be happiness without sorrow or success without failure.

So be kind to yourselves!!! As long as you are putting one foot in front of the other you are doing just fine!!! Irrational comparisons will only add to the struggles you are already having. Just do your best!!!

Your Father in Heaven Loves Effort, Even if That Effort is Small!