photo of woman in red sweater
Photo by Sound On on

This past year has been a challenge for me. As my cataracts have gotten worse my vision has been less than great! It was a relief when my doctor finally said it was time to do surgery. But I guess it was also a little scary at the same time.

I was a little surprised when he sent me home with alot of literature to read that would help me decide what kind of artificial lens I would like to replace my natural lenses with. So after I read alot and questioned alot of people about their cataract experience, I met with my doctor and he helped me decide the lens that he would use on my right eye. He said we could decide later on the lens for my second eye since surgery was done one eye at a time and that way we could see how good the results were on the first surgery.

After finding out I had 20/20 vision for distance in one eye, I chose a close up lens for my other eye. This was called Mono Vision. I can now see Clearly close up and far away, without glasses or contacts!!! The color white has never seemed so white! I am loving my new vision!

I have thought alot about this experience and compared it to my conversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Going to church was never a constant in the home I grew up in. Even though I was baptized I don’t even remember that day nor did I understand what I was doing. In my teenage years my life got pretty murky and clouded over just like my natural lenses in my eyes. I felt no real sense of direction and ended up in some really dark places where I couldn’t see at all.

I think the beginning of restoring my sight was when I turned 20 and was given some literature to read and study. That was the true beginning for me. Using my agency at that time to learn and grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been an upward climb ever since.

It definitely hasn’t been easy but as I look where I was and where I am today I can truly say I wouldn’t change a thing. My struggles have been totally worth it. Unfortunately some people like me have to see the dark before they can find the light. I know my conversion continues and my testimony will grow stronger and stronger until the perfect day when I will see even more clearly and the color white will be the brightest white my eyes have ever seen! I leave my testimony with you in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Seeking after truth can give you 20/20 vision!

By Tanya Christiansen