These past few days I have been feeding my soul by listening to the words of a few of the Lord’s disciples. Every six months leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gather together in a great conference to give members instructions. This is a great time for investigators to learn the beliefs of our church.

As I have pondered the words spoke and listened to promptings and feelings, the word contention keeps coming to my mind. Almost every speaker had something to say about contention in our families, in our relationships, in our communities, and even within our own selves. Contention is one of the adversaries greatest weapons to destroy peace and harmony in the lives of all who choose to follow Jesus Christ. Satan’s goal is to derail us from choosing righteousness. He desires for us to be miserable like he is.

As I pray, ponder and listen to the Holy Ghost, I recognize areas in my own life where there is contention. I am most grateful for being able to hear what my Father in Heaven would have me do. He desires all of His children to return home to Him someday. The adversary desires just the opposite! If he can cause contention in families and relationships he will be one step closer to reaching his goal.

This mortal life is a battle between good and evil. Whose side are you on? We can win this battle by serving others with compassion, loving a little deeper, forgiving a little quicker, building bridges of understanding, obeying commandments with deeper conviction, and worshipping God with more humility. True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers who avoid contention and love unconditionally as our Savior Jesus Christ loves.

I testify that through prayer… you can truly communicate with your Father in Heaven, who will tell you through the power of the Holy Ghost…. how to alleviate contention from your life.

Be a Peacemaker and avoid Contention!!!