I know I have used this picture before but I can’t think of a better image than this to describe the feelings in my heart. I thought I understood Trust until a week ago when I learned a much deeper meaning. I hope that by sharing my experience that you will grow in your understanding of what Trust really is, as well.

In late Nov. I was asked to play a particular piano solo on Dec. 26th. I eagerly accepted the invitation. This piece was beautiful but very challenging. I love a challenge when it comes to piano. I desired to play this piece perfectly. Over the next four and a half week’s I averaged approximately fifty hours of practice on that particular piece. I enjoyed it thourouly!

I prayed fervently for my hands to be calm when the day came to play it in front of the congregation. I knew the piece well and I trusted that the Lord would help me. As the hour arrived and I began to play, my hands began to shake. For a few moments my Faith began to waiver. In those few seconds or minutes of struggling I wondered why the Lord wasn’t helping me and I even thought for a second that I should stop playing before I reached the difficult parts of the piece. I allowed doubts to creep in and for a short time I lost my confidence. I continued playing and began to pray silently for the Lords help. Even though my hands continued to shake somehow I hit the right notes and played with emotion that I hoped would bring the Spirit into the meeting. I later found out that two of my friends and one daughter were also praying for me as I played.

So what did I learn about Trust? First of all I learned that Faith goes hand in hand with trust. Even when you trust an individual you are exercising Faith in the person. Faith must be present to truly Trust! I not only needed Faith and Trust in the Lord and His ability to help me but I also needed Faith in myself and my ability to play that piece. Peter showed great faith as he stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water towards his Savior. I also exercised Faith when I accepted the invitation to play that piece even before I looked at it. But just like Peter who began to sink when he took his eyes off the Lord, my Faith also wavered when my hands began to shake and for a short time I doubted that the Lord was going to help me.

Next I learned that when much is desired much is required. The Lord loves effort. Even though I put forth alot of effort in practicing I still had fear. Nothing diminishes Faith faster than fear. Perhaps I should have spent more of those practice hours on my knees. The Lord is always there to help as we keep His commandments and exercise Faith in Him. Aligning our will with His and truly trusting in His ability to help means that we allow Him to answer our prayers in His own way and in His own timing. I still don’t know exactly how I got through that piece but I do know that my prayers were answered and I did receive help. Not just help with playing but also help with learning. I know that those few moments of struggle gave me a greater understanding of what it means to truly trust the Lord.

The things I learned can be applied in your lives as well….as you strive to trust with Faith in someone or something. The opposite of trusting in someone is being Trustworthy yourself. I hope that I am someone that others can trust. And more importantly I hope that I have earned the trust of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. Having someone you can Trust in or being that person for someone else can be a great aide in surviving difficult trials and hardships as well as your daily challenges.

Take those opportunities of growth that come your way and Trust that the Lord will help you.

By Tanya Christiansen Comments welcome