This saying hangs above my bed

I can’t honestly say I have always been grateful. At least not in the sense of being thankful for ‘things.’ I’ve done my share of feeling sorry for myself while I perceived those around me to have all the luck or blessings that I felt cheated out of. I wanted to grow up with a father, raise all the kids I gave birth to, and grow old with my husband. Well…. I didn’t get to do any of that. When your down in that deep dark hole of feeling sorry for yourself it’s easy to forget those things you have to be grateful for. Like life, the air you breathe, freedom of choice, and maybe just the dawning of a new day.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner we often think of those many things we have to be grateful for. But what I want to write about is something deeper, and that is an Attitude of Gratitude. Having an attitude of gratitude allows you and I to be grateful in any circumstance. Once we have developed or gained that kind of attitude it’s much easier to put off that natural man inside of us that seems to want things! It also turns what we have into enough!

So how does one gain an attitude of gratitude? I really had to think hard about this question. I know that I am more grateful now than I have ever been. But how did I get here? I think for me there are three main things that have played into gaining a truly grateful heart. And those are: The example of others (including Christ), experiencing opposition, and gaining a hope or knowledge of God’s plan for me.

The Example of Others: Throughout my life I have witnessed others in extreme tragic situations thanking God for their many blessings, including being grateful for the growth that their hardships would bring. Our Savior Jesus Christ is the perfect example of someone who went through His entire life not wanting for himself but instead giving to others. These things have left me in awe and wanting only to develop those Christlike attributes in myself.

Experiencing Opposition: As the scriptures teach there needs to be opposition in all things. Our Father in Heaven knew that we would learn and grow by experiencing opposition. Without sadness we cannot know joy, without evil we cannot know goodness, and without loss we cannot know gratitude. My own personal hardships and trials have taught me and helped me to gain a much deeper appreciation for those meaningful blessings I do have like family, friends, shelter, freedom and my knowlege of Eternal Life.

The Hope or Knowledge of God’s plan for Me! As I study the scriptures, fast and pray to become more Christlike with deeper compassion for others, I have felt changes taking place inside myself. I feel a much deeper appreciation for my blessings. My attitude has changed towards those who have hurt me. It is easier to forgive. I have faith in better days to come and I can be grateful even in my current circumstances, even living alone during this worldwide pandemic. God’s plan for all His children is one of growth, and eventually a joy beyond description!

Can we really be grateful in any circumstance? The answer is Yes!

It is my hope and prayer that we can all develop an Attitude of Gratitude and a deeper appreciation for meaningful blessings we do have and a desire to help those who are less fortunate. Happy Thanksgiving!

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