This picture perfectly depicts how I have felt for most of my life. The good news is you dont have to feel this way! I think most of us have had at least a few moments of feeling like we want to crawl in a hole or maybe we feel like we will never measure up to our idea of greatness. I don’t really know where or when I began to feel like I had to live up to a certain standard to be loved and accepted, but that is exactly how I felt. That misconceived idea was a very difficult thing to break away from. Confidence has nothing to do with what others think and everything to do with with what you think!

The First step to gaining self confidence is to get to know yourself. Don’t let others decide for you who you should be. You are a unique individual with your own gifts and talents. You may think that you have nothing of value to offer but I guarantee that you do. Second find someone who you can tell your feelings to who will support you and help you identify your good qualities. I know that my support people could see the good in me before I could see it in myself. Third don’t compare yourself to others. Nothing can more quickly destroy your progress than measuring your worth against someone you think is better than you. We are all God’s children with infinite worth, and even though he wants us to succeed he loves and accepts us as we are.

If there is something you want to achieve, set small goals to get you there. Believe in yourself and keep trying til you succeed. The more you try the more confidence you will have. It truly works but it does take time. Be patient with yourself! I have always struggled with speaking in front of people and it has bothered me excessively to the point that I finally decided it was a weakness I wanted to overcome. At first I had to take a few steps into the darkness (which was really difficult) before I began to see the light. I prayed for opportunities that would help me reach my goal and they have come. I am still not where I want to be but speaking is getting much easier.


by Tanya Christiansen

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