fruit tree

I like to think of the Fruit of the Spirit as attributes and characteristic’s of our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. Developing these attributes require life’s experiences and our divine spiritual relationship to our Heavenly Parents, which gives us the capability to become like them.

Love is a basic human need and an attribute that we as children of God were exposed to in our premortal life. We were deeply loved by our Father in Heaven and because of that Love he allowed His Only Begotten Son to die for us so we could return and live with Him someday. Love can heal broken hearts and mend damaged relationships. Love can cast out hate. Love is powerful. Love is kind. Love is the leader of all the Fruits of the Spirit.

I John 4: 8 God is Love.

Joy triumphs over despair and sadness. Knowing who you truly are and keeping God’s commandments brings the deepest joy one can know. Joy is Optimistic! You can feel joy during difficult times. With a heart full of joy we can accept and adjust. A knowledge of Eternal life brings joy.

Long Suffering requires patience in this imperfect world. There will always be hurtful words, mistakes, accusations and misunderstandings. Developing the attribute of Long Suffering can restore peace in less than ideal situations. Always remember it takes more courage to be patient and endure, than to attack.

Meekness is internal peace that is constant and calming. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of meekness. In Matthew chapter 11 we read, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” We can achieve that internal peace by learning of Christ and following Him.

Faithfulness is trusting in God and His plan. It is believing and looking forward to the fruit or reward of our good works. We can develop faithfulness by being responsible and keeping promises and commitments. Our Father in Heaven has great blessings for those who remain faithful.

Developing Fruits of the Spirit brings us to an ideal character or closer to our divine person with the potential that God intends for all of His children to have.

Partake Of The Fruit!!!

by Tanya Christiansen