My late brother helped me to appreciate more fully the freedoms that we have in this great country we call America. That freedom came with great sacrifices which are still being made today. My brother was so eager to be a Marine and help defend and protect this country and those who reside here.

Our Freedom comes with a high price that many are paying today as they serve. I watched my brother pay that price when he sustained serious injuries at the age of 19 on the front line of the Viet Nam conflict. I honor him every day! And I miss him! But I am glad he no longer has to sit in a dark room unable to see or walk, pushing his nurse button and having to wait sometimes an hour to have someone come change his diaper or get him off of the floor when he slid out of his chair. He gave up his home, his friends, his animals, his hobbies, and his dignity, and recently his life, all for the gift of Freedom which is mine and yours!

I know he is experiencing great joy in the Spirit World. I am so happy for him and I know because of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and Atonement I will see him again. What a great reunion we will all have when we reunite with our loved ones on the other side!

Do You Consider Freedom A Blessing?

by Tanya Christiansen