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Are you holding on to something that hurt you deeply? Something that had lasting negative effects on you as a person. The effects of what happened to you changed your plans and changed your ability to have faith in yourself.

Jesus Christ made it possible to let go of these deep and painful injustices. He himself knew the deepest kinds of ‘hurt’. He showed us through His example how to forgive. He loved His enemy and prayed for those who spit upon Him and nailed Him to the cross.

Forgiving is not easy to do but drawing strength from Jesus Christ makes it possible. I personally held on and allowed my abuser to have some measure of control over me for fifty plus years. By truly coming to know my Savior Jesus Christ, I found freedom from the chains that bound me and a peace that I never knew was possible. I feel stronger and happier than ever before in my life. It is easy to turn to my Savior for strength when troubles and trials come my way. He is always there!

Don’t Let “hurt” keep you from being truly Happy! Turn to Jesus Christ and you will find rest!

by Tanya Christiansen