Forty six years ago on Jan. 24, 1975 I awoke to have one of the most amazing experiences I would ever have! I married and was sealed to the most wonderful man in this beautiful temple above. However the day started out a little humorous as Ray and I showed up late for our special day! Somehow I had the wrong times. All of our guests were seated waiting for us to arrive. Before we were married we received counsel to keep covenants we had made that day and stay strong in keeping the commandments found in the Holy scriptures. We were promised that if we did that our marriage would not only be enforce in this life but also for Eternity. We could also have Eternal relationships with our children and loved ones. I believe strongly in those Eternal blessings!!! I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ who layed his life down then rose from the grave making resurrection possible for all mankind.

I did not know on that special day that I would only be with my husband for 40 years when Cancer would take him home to his Father in Heaven. I miss him everyday but I know that our marriage is Eternal and we will only be apart a short time in comparison to Forever! I also have three children, my parents and grandparents and many ancestors on the other side who await my return. I can get through these lonely days because of the things that took place in that beautiful building above.

Our Father in Heaven offers these Eternal blessings to all. He loves his children with a perfect love. He longs to hear from you and to know your struggles and triumphs. His son made it possible for you to go on living after this life. I know that to be true with every fiber of my being. I can’t imagine only having my husband and loved one’s with me for Time. I know death is NOT the end. Just like birth, death is just a step forward. Our progression is continual.

I leave you with my testimony. I know these things to be true. The world may label me a widow but I know that I am still married. This knowledge brings me great peace and comfort. Tomorrow I celebrate in my heart my 46th wedding anniversary! I leave these valuable truths with you in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Marriage can last Forever!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

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