sky with rainbow over rippling blue ocean
Photo by Ben Mack on

Although we are born in the image and likeness of our Heavenly parents we are still very unique compared to one another. We have our own personalities, appearance, talents, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It would become very boring if we were all exactly the same. But are you true to who you really are? Do you follow the crowd? Do you change your opinion to go along with whom ever you are around? Do you lower your standards or hide your beliefs to fit in? Do you keep quiet when you should speak up?

There are many things that can keep us from finding our authentic self….. starting when we are born. Environment can have a deep and lasting effect. Where we live, our cultures, those things we are taught or not taught when we are small to name a few. I believe we all reach a point in our development when we ask ourselves the question who am I?

Sad to say I spent a lot of years not knowing who I really was, going along with whatever I was faced with not having the integrity or courage to speak up. It kind of felt like sitting on the sidelines looking in at the world happening in front of me but not really knowing how I could contribute. I think most teens and adults can remember times of having similar feelings. It has taken me a life time to find myself, my strengths and weaknesses, my likes and dislikes. And even still I sometimes surprise myself when I voice an opinion.

It is very possible to live in peace and harmony with all of the diversity that exists in this world. Like the colors of the rainbow, unique individuals joined together brings beauty. We can be true to ourselves while showing respect to others opinions and beliefs. God has given each of his children at least one gift or talent. We can seek to know our spiritual gifts. He loves each of his children with a perfect love. If we desire to know our authentic self, through prayer the Lord can teach us who we are and who he desires us to become.

I no longer wrestle with knowing who I am. I know not only who I am but also what I stand for, what I believe in and what length I will go to, to defend myself and those beliefs. I know that I have great potential and will continue to learn and grow. Don’t be afraid to show your true self to others. You are unique and have great worth and potential!!!

Who are you?

By Tanya Christiansen

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