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The New Year brings thoughts to many of resolutions and goals but Balance plays a big part in wether or not you will succeed in accomplishing those things you want to do or achieve.

First of all… what is Balance? And what does it mean to you? There are many definitions of Balance. Even distribution of weight, remaining upright and steady, and manageability. Although these definitions are different there are similarities in the words…. even, upright, steady, and manageable. Balance can be applied in all areas such as physical, emotional, spiritual and even intellectual.

Balance to me means that I am functioning or living in a steady and acceptable way to myself. It does not mean that I never feel off balance. I was involved in gymnastics in junior high and high school. I did work briefly on the balance beam. If my feet were not positioned correctly I quickly became off balance. Life’s challenges can do the same. Rarely does anyone achieve perfect balance all of the time.

I am definitely a planner. I plan my days ahead, the goals I want to achieve and the characteristics I want to develop. I like things to go a certain way and when they don’t I often feel off balance. Nothing can make you feel defeated more quickly than setting the bar too high, making comparisons and not being flexible. Disruptions are going to come most likely on a daily basis. Its how we handle them that keeps our lives in balance.

I have struggled alot with emotional balance which really has affected all of the other areas of my life. Trying to avoid those emotions seems to only make things worse. In my opinion it is good to feel your emotions and work through them, hopefully in a manageable way. It is when they become overpowering and controlling that you will fall off that balance beam! But if you do, seek help and get back up! Try again, and again and again, if necessary!

Have a great 2021!

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