photo of tree surrounded by fog
Photo by Radu Florin on

The present Pandemic has certainly disrupted our lives. The ‘normal’ we once knew is no more. Each day is filled with uncertainty. Education is disrupted. Teachers, medical staffs and police officers are exhausted. Political decisions are debatable by many. Emotions are running high. Anger is raging. Where do you stand in everything going on? Do you have doubts or fear? Or do you have the courage to hold on to your beliefs and exercise faith? Faith that we will survive these present circumstances. Being doubtful is a gloomy and dark place to be which can lead to fear. Fear can be destructive to not only ourselves but those around us. Being doubtful can be a struggle for many. One can doubt his self and his own ability to succeed. We can doubt our beliefs in God or a higher power. We can lose faith in our children. We can have doubt in our government and even in our religious leaders, and the list goes on.

Doubt usually begins with questioning. While questioning is good and how we learn and make decisions, it can also be damaging. It can sometimes turn into confusion and indecisiveness. The First step in preventing that from happening is to practice self awareness. Know who you are and what matters most to you. Second: Be willing to make changes if you are not on the path you want to be on. And Third: Hold on to what you believe in and never doubt it. Listen to your heart. I believe we have all been given the light of Christ to guide us in our choice’s. And if we learn to listen we can be guided in all aspects of our lives. We don’t have to feel indecisive, doubtful or fearful. We can have courage and faith in hard times. Of course there are times when we lose that strength. I have been there many times. I know Satan exists and uses those vulnerable times to tear me down. I have felt my faith turn into fear. I have had doubts when I don’t always understand everything.

I have found it to be very important to stay away from whom ever or whatever is contrary to what matters most to me. I try to steer clear of anything that might pull me away from the path I have chosen to be on. It is okay and possible to move forward with faith even when we don’t have all the answers. I know that we don’t all believe the same or even have the same priorities. But I know without any doubt that there is a God in Heaven who loves all of His children and wants to help them if they will only ask in faith. In Proverbs 3:5 it reads: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Doubt not, Fear Not!

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