brocken glass
Photo by Bruno Pires on

Saturday evening I went to a friend’s house for dinner and when I got there her husband was trying to make a beautiful area of rock leading up to their front porch. He was struggling to fit together a variety of shapes and sizes of broken pieces of rock to complete the project.

Do the pieces of your life fit together in harmony to make something beautiful? Or… are their pieces that just don’t fit and need to be discarded?

One of my fondest childhood memories was spending a week in Ferron, Utah at my Grandma’s house. She always had a puzzle set up for us to work on. As we neared the completion of the puzzle, we finally got down to the last piece only to find it missing. My Grandma would say, “oh no we are missing a piece, you kids better get down on the ground and look for it.” So we would do just that and while we were on the ground searching, my Grandma would take the last puzzle piece that she had tucked in her hand and put it into its place completing the puzzle and its beauty. I have had that same thing happen before but the piece was really missing. It is so frustrating and really takes away from the beautiful picture.

The most beautiful puzzle I can imagine is one that includes my Father in Heaven, My Savior Jesus Christ and everyone of my family members and cherished friends. My hope is that eventually the pieces of my life will fit together perfectly!

Create a beautiful tapestry for yourself and others to enjoy!!!

by Tanya Christiansen