woman s face
Photo by Shiny Diamond on Pexels.com

A face can tell us alot about a person. Especially the eyes remarkably reveal feelings of excitement, sadness, fear, hope, joy, illness and even anger. When coupled with the mouth, the face can tell almost as much as words can express. For alot of years I feared this very fact not wanting others to know those things I was not ready to share. I became quite skilled at dodging confrontations while making eye contact as little as possible.

I envied those people who showed enthusiasm and joy in their faces. I knew without any doubt that the source of their peace and joy was truly feeling the love of their Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I felt that too many of the wrong things had happened in my life for me to ever have that same peace…..so, I just went on the best I could doing good but never quite getting there. I spent alot of years in that dreary place, hiding my face and laying as low as possible. I certainly did Not want to be in the spotlight.

Difficult trials continued to come into my life only causing me to draw within myself deeper. Sometimes I even felt that I was receiving exactly what I deserved. I could not see the miracle that was taking place. My Heavenly Father did in fact love me. He knew that in time these trials would soften and humble me to the point that I could accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and allow the healing power of His Atonement to work for me personally.

As I have made repentance a part of each day and I have learned to forgive others, allowing them the same courtesy I would hope to receive myself, I can stand up tall showing my face to the world. I hope others can see something peaceful in my countenance. I hope they can see peace and joy even through those moments of sadness that we all experience from time to time. I hope they see me as a daughter of God!

Let the Light of Christ show in your countenance!

by Tanya Christiansen