unrecognizable woman looking out window
Photo by Lachlan Ross on Pexels.comkm

Our world is full of voices and sounds. Do you hear the commotion and confusion? Everyone is in such a hurry. Do you hear the voices of despair and discontent or the cries of pain and suffering? Do you hear the sorrow and agony of someone who is lost and broken? Those people are all around us. They are in our neighborhoods, our work places and even in our families. Do you hear anger and contention? Do you hear words and voices that lift you up or pull you down? How do you process what you hear? What are your children hearing?

If you listen closely you can hear sounds that enlighten your understanding. Words that teach goodness and patience, and have the ability to enlarge your soul. Do you hear laughter, playing and singing, or the many sounds of nature? Some voices encourage and give hope, others ring with determination!

If we listen with our hearts, we can hear so much more than with our ears. There are voices reaching out for help and guidance, or the voice of someone needing a friend and a listening ear. Don’t forget to listen for the silent voice that is screaming, that only your heart can hear. Are you careful of those things you say to others? Words have such a strong impact. What kinds of things do you tell yourself? Do you listen to thoughts and impressions that inspire you to act?

I hear these things loud and clear! With my ears and my heart. Do you hear what I hear? It is so easy to become distracted by all the sounds around us, but we can choose what we listen to. We can decide what voices and sounds we will ignore and which ones we will allow to penetrate our souls. We can be grateful for those voices that give us the courage and strength to move forward, boldly and proud, facing life’s challenges with a happy heart.

Do you hear Him?

Listening with your heart can lift you to a whole new level of wisdom and understanding!