calm water with sun and orange sky
Photo by Abdullah Ghatasheh on

Meekness is an attribute or ability that I have given a lot of thought to. There are many who think of meekness as a weakness. It is true that meekness can sometimes appear to show a lack of strength when in fact I find it to be just the opposite. Those who have developed meekness show great strength, self control, calmness in difficult situations, strong restraint and not easily provoked. In the gospel of Jesus Christ we are encouraged by our leaders to strive to understand and incorporate this quality into our lives.

Meekness is a vital aspect of the Savior Jesus Christ’s divine nature. He showed great meekness as he submitted calmly to the hands of those who crucified Him. What great strength he showed when He was so cruely treated. His meek demure prompted Him to pray to His Father to forgive those who hurt him.

Jesus Christ described himself in the following scripture,

Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

I certainly need rest. Do you? As I get older I seem to need and desire that calmness in my life and in myself as a person. This world needs people who are self restrained. People who are kind even when they are treated badly. People who keep caring and loving. People who have hope and faith when life is hard. People who are meek and lowly in heart!


by Tanya Christiansen