two person near cliff taken
Photo by Simon Berger on

It takes great skill to get to the top of steep mountains. Rock climbers use special equipment such as rope, belay device, harness, carabiner, quick draws, climbing cams, chalk and tape to ensure safety and success. They also wear a helmet and climbing shoes. Without this equipment they would be taking a great risk of failure, injury and possibly death.

Life is much the same as we all experience our own mountains of difficult things. We aren’t able to go through those mountains but we can climb to the top of them where we will find peace and rest.

Just like a professional rock climber we need tools and other devices that will help us climb every mountain that life presents. Mountains are different in size, depth and incline. So are the hardships of life. Personal preparedness plays a big part in the ability and skill we have to climb those mountains. Expecting that life will present challenges can help us be more prepared when those hard things come.

Some of my safety equipment is the support of family and friends, uplifting articles and music, scriptures, prayer and counting the blessings I do have. Trusting my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ gives me the strength I need to find relief from those difficult things I face! I testify from my own experience that it is totally worth climbing until you find peace and rest!

Keep climbing, the view at the top is breath taking!

by Tanya Christiansen