young troubled woman using laptop at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Our amazing brains are very good at collecting information from those things we hear and see, but they are also very good at collecting and storing thoughts we have, both good and bad. So how do we get rid of those negative thoughts we have in our heads??? Let me share with you the things I have done to change my thought process.

First you need to determine wether or not this is an issue for you. I never realized how much negative and distorted garbage was in my head until I tried this experiment. For several days I carried a notepad around with me as I went through my daily routine. I paid attention to the thoughts I was having and jotted them down no matter what they were. It turned out to be quite a bit of writing. At the end of each day I read my notes. Sad but true, the majority of my thoughts were negative. Some about other people and their actions and comments, alot about myself, past issues and unpleasant memories. Not much about the present or what I was doing at the moment. Frankly I was quite shocked.

I want to share with you the things I did to eliminate those negative falsehoods from my thought process. I have to be honest in telling you that this is probably the hardest work I have ever done. I have been working at this for about five years now. It’s not really important how those thoughts enter our minds but much more important to stop the destruction they are causing to us as a person. But don’t get discouraged. It is possible to change your thinking!

Research has shown that mental illness can also affect our physical wellness. I am a total believer of that theory! Feeling worthless, sad or depressed can also affect the way we treat other people.

As I continued to pay attention to my thoughts, and noticed that I was thinking something negative, I would stop what I was doing and put it to the test. This required asking myself some questions. Is this thought true? Could there be another explanation? Was this person having a bad day? Does this thought do me harm or good? Should I replace this thought with something positive? Am I a good person in spite of what happened to me? Am I going to let someone else control my thinking or will I take charge of what I allow to enter my mind? The first few months I did this it was a little challenging but eventually it became a habit? I still use this technique occasionally but I am much quicker to discard the negative thought and replace it with truth.

Stop assuming you know all the facts behind someone’s rude comment or action. Assumptions generally are far from the truth. It is almost impossible to love other people when you don’t like yourself. Decide who you are and what makes you happy. If you have been abused, harboring bad thoughts allows your perpetrator to continue having power over you. Choosing to let go of destructive thoughts gives you the ability to make good choices. Happiness is a choice! Be grateful! Think positive! Be forgiving and you will feel a weight lifted. Give yourself credit for the good thoughts you have!

You are a child of God. He loves you with a perfect love. His Son came and suffered for all mankind. He felt every pain and suffering known to men. He knows those thoughts and feelings you hold within yourself. He has deep compassion for you and will strengthen you so you can endure your suffering if you will only ask Him. Christ can help you replace lies with the truth. Seek after Him who truly knows how you are feeling.

Don’t let bad thoughts trap you in darkness! Share your feelings with someone you trust!

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