Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

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I Can SEE Clearly!

photo of woman in red sweater
Photo by Sound On on

This past year has been a challenge for me. As my cataracts have gotten worse my vision has been less than great! It was a relief when my doctor finally said it was time to do surgery. But I guess it was also a little scary at the same time.

I was a little surprised when he sent me home with alot of literature to read that would help me decide what kind of artificial lens I would like to replace my natural lenses with. So after I read alot and questioned alot of people about their cataract experience, I met with my doctor and he helped me decide the lens that he would use on my right eye. He said we could decide later on the lens for my second eye since surgery was done one eye at a time and that way we could see how good the results were on the first surgery.

After finding out I had 20/20 vision for distance in one eye, I chose a close up lens for my other eye. This was called Mono Vision. I can now see Clearly close up and far away, without glasses or contacts!!! The color white has never seemed so white! I am loving my new vision!

I have thought alot about this experience and compared it to my conversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Going to church was never a constant in the home I grew up in. Even though I was baptized I don’t even remember that day nor did I understand what I was doing. In my teenage years my life got pretty murky and clouded over just like my natural lenses in my eyes. I felt no real sense of direction and ended up in some really dark places where I couldn’t see at all.

I think the beginning of restoring my sight was when I turned 20 and was given some literature to read and study. That was the true beginning for me. Using my agency at that time to learn and grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been an upward climb ever since.

It definitely hasn’t been easy but as I look where I was and where I am today I can truly say I wouldn’t change a thing. My struggles have been totally worth it. Unfortunately some people like me have to see the dark before they can find the light. I know my conversion continues and my testimony will grow stronger and stronger until the perfect day when I will see even more clearly and the color white will be the brightest white my eyes have ever seen! I leave my testimony with you in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Seeking after truth can give you 20/20 vision!

By Tanya Christiansen

Stay on the Covenant Path

narrow path in daitoku ji temple zen garden
Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I believe in making and keeping sacred covenants and promises. One might think that keeping covenants restricts a person’s joy, when in fact it is quite the opposite. I wish I could adequately describe the joy and security I feel having covenants in place that not only strengthen my relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ but also protect me from the enticing voice of the adversary.

Keeping or breaking promises tells you alot about a person. Trust is strengthened or broken. Relationships thrive or become damaged. Joy increases or diminishes.

Do you have a covenant path? If so where does it lead you? Does it bring you joy and security? I testify that there is no greater covenant you can make than to follow Jesus Christ. He will never break His promise to always be there for you. He will lift and strengthen you and carry you when you can’t stand on your own.

Walking on the Lord’s Covenant Path will bring you experiences that will help you grow spiritually!

by Tanya Christiansen

For another related post read ‘Turning Point.’

Give Your Burden To The Lord

photo of hiker on top of rock facing a lake
Photo by Robert Forever Ago on

I can’t count the number of times I have heard someone say “Give your Burden To The Lord.” In fact…..I heard it again today. That phrase has played over and over in my head for several years. The heavy burdens that I carried made me feel trapped! I searched for the instructions on how to transfer this burden to the Lord, but never really found a simple method. Although I was striving to keep all of the Lord’s commandments I still felt crushed under the weight of wrong choices, my own as well as others. One day while I was reading I came across a scripture in Mosiah that jumped out at me.

Mosiah 7:33 “But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you from bondage.

I immediately realized after reading that scripture that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I was so determined to be delivered from my pain that I was missing the mark in so many other areas. The Spirit taught me that I didn’t fully trust the Lord and His plan for me which required more effort on my part through study, prayer and service.

I did not personally have the ability to give my burden to the Lord. Only He had the power to deliver me and as the scripture stated, “according to His own will and pleasure.” This is the full purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to deliver those who truly repent and turn to Him with full purpose of heart and serve him with all diligence! Obtaining this deliverence was not a one time event but a process that is continual in my life as I make mistakes, suffer pain, and turn to the Lord for the help that only He can give.

I testify that no matter how big of a burden you carry, you too can be delivered if you are willing to trust and follow Christ, having faith in His great Atonement and serve Him with all diligence. No one is exempt from the glorious blessing of deliverence!!!

Put Forth Effort and Allow the Lord to Take Your Burden!

by Tanya Christiansen

God’s Creations

On this Father’s day my thoughts turn to my husband, my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for God’s creations. Summer is fast approaching with its warmth and vibrant colors for all to enjoy! The rose is one of my favorites with its intricate design and satisfying fragrance.

My mom grew the most beautiful roses! I often would cut myself a bunch to take home and enjoy. No matter how careful I was, I always seemed to get poked by a thorn at least once or twice. Perhaps the thorns were God’s way of protecting one of His most beautiful creations.

More valued than the rose is the creation of the human soul. Our mortal eyes often see the imperfections before we see the beauty. Our Father in Heaven looks upon our heart. He sees beauty in all of His children! Look deeper and see the beautiful world we live in!

Beauty is more than skin deep!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook

Love Is In The Air

red heart ornament and aloe vera plant covered with paper

Love is a basic human need that we are born with. Love is powerful and can soften hearts. Love can turn sorrow into joy. Love can build self confidence. Love brings forgiveness. Love can diminish hate. Love can change the world.

Four little letters forming a word that is magnificent and always kind. Today hopefully reminds each of us to express love to those we are close to and maybe to someone we would not ordinarily remember.

Even though I can not be with my sweetheart I still feel so blessed to feel the Love of my family and friends. Their expressions of love strengthen me. Their love brings so much joy into my life that it spills over and gives me a desire to share that love with others.

The greatest of all Love, is the Love that God has for his children. He allowed his only begotten Son to die for each of us because He desired for His children to return to him. But we are also commanded to Love God.

In Matthew 22:37-39 We read,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy sole, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Share Your Love and Love Will Come Back to You!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on Facebook or at

A Wake Up Call

I had a very interesting and eventful week! It started out with my normal routine, completing various tasks and doing some things I enjoy but it quickly turned to some serious pain and a trip to the ER where I was told I was having a heart attack! That was a big shock to me! And also very scary! An angiogram revealed some problems with my heart, some that I might be able to keep from getting worse through making smarter choices and another problem that was out of my control. That was a big wake up call for me!!! Even though there might not be much I can do to change the condition of my heart at the present time, there might be alot I can do to take better care of myself in the future. Of course I am hoping for a miracle that will heal my heart completely, but I am grateful to be alive and enjoy family and friends this holiday season!

Wake up calls can be blessings that draw our attention to things that really matter and help us realize those things that are just a big waste of time. Sometimes we have to be shook up a little to say, “Hey what am I doing here? Do I need to do something different? Where am I headed?” We all have the light of Christ or the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us if we only listen. Don’t wait for something major to get your attention!!!

Wake Up and Evaluate Yourself and the Choices You are Making Now!

by Tanya Christiansen

Opposition In All Things

landscape photography of mountain
Photo by Ian Beckley on

Each of us have a story to tell with chapters still evolving…. and I could bet with all certainty that those stories all contain the bitter with the sweet, the sickness with good health, the pain with the peace and the sorrow with the joy. God allows His children to experience mortality which naturally comes with opposition. The nature of opposition changes but it will never end.

Seven years ago this week I experienced devastating opposition when my husband became terminally ill and passed away 8 months later. I was not prepared for the life changing impact of that event. If we could only view opposition as a necessary part of life that makes the good times better, the sweet that much sweeter and the joy greater, maybe opposition would not be viewed as something so unpleasant.

During these past seven years I have come to accept opposition as not only a part of life but also part of Gods plan to help all men learn and grow. We will all experience opposition regardless of how we live or what we believe. That is a fact! Satan uses opposition to attack what is most important.

Opposition has at times caused my faith to turn to fear but on the up side it has also created a yearning to learn more about the purpose of life. Opposition has taught me that I can do difficult things. I have found the strength to pull through my weakest moments. I have tasted sweetness after the bitter and felt the warmth of light in the dark of night.

I thank my Father in Heaven that life is not mundane and boring. I am grateful that mortality brings experiences that will help me continue to progress towards the best version of myself. The pandemic has been a great example of opposition that has touched the lives of all in one way or another. I have faith in better days to come! I look forward to reuniting with my husband someday where my darkest cloud will fade into my brightest day!!!

Opposition Gives Life Meaning!

by Tanya Christiansen

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