anonymous traveler contemplating lake surrounded by rocky hills
Photo by akın akdağ on

Last spring I decided I wanted to finish my basement. I didn’t realize at that time just how much work and skill that goal would require. The first step was to go through things that accumulated over the years and decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Then a friend of mine helped me come up with a plan and design. Next I hired someone to put in central air and a new furnace. Then an electrician came to do all of the wiring, followed by a plumber. Over the next few months I hired different people with different skills to do framing, dry wall, mudding and taping, painting, flooring, and tile. My friends and neighbors also helped where possible. There were numerous people involved in helping me reach my goal. All with different skills and knowledge. And now my basement is turning into something magnificent!!!

Some goals are attainable by ones self but other goals might require the assistance and skill of another person. You can be a part of something magnificent by sharing your strengths and skills with others. You might be saying that there is nothing you do well. I believe that everyone has a gift, talent or skill waiting to be discovered. We are unique individuals and we all have something to offer. Seeking after those talents and gifts and developing them not only helps others but it helps to build your own self confidence and puts you a little closer to meeting your full potential! Your magnificent self!!!

Sometimes it can be difficult to ask for help but we can learn so much from each other. We don’t have to be extra smart or even accomplished in our skills to contribute to something magnificent. Just give what you can, small or large and it will make a difference! This world needs each of us to do our part to leave something of value and worth that will make a difference for future generations! You Can be a part of something magnificent!

Every Little Bit of Effort Counts!

by Tanya Christiansen