Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Author: ctr75 Page 7 of 21

Dare to Dream

Photo by Frans van Heerden on

Do you ever feel like your goals and dreams are out of reach? Now that I am quickly reaching the winter of my life I often wish I was where I am now, thirty years ago. I have to remind myself that progression is Eternal. I am so grateful for that knowledge and I firmly believe that to be true.

I have enjoyed watching some of my grandchildren push towards their dreams and goals. They have all shared certain attributes such as desire, persistence, courage and lots of hard work. I admire their strength and determination to succeed. They have so many challenges to face in this world today and yet they push forward. They make me want to be a better person.

Dreams may sometimes feel like catching a rainbow… but they are attainable! Maybe you won’t achieve them in this mortal life but the road ahead with its ups and downs will shape you into a better and stronger person! I totally believe that. I truly wouldn’t change anything I have experienced. My life has been nothing that I expected but everything that I needed!

Don’t give up! Catch that Rainbow!

Scroll down for other related posts:

‘Shattered Dreams’ and ‘Reaching your Destination’

by Tanya Christiansen

Repent and Find Peace!

depth of field photography of tulip flowers
Photo by Vural Yavas on

I love this time of year…waiting and watching for new life to pop up through the earth! I know that my brown grass will turn green, my trees will get buds and green leaves and my flowers will bloom. For a season I will be able to partake of their beauty!

I like to compare Springtime to the test of mortality. We are all born pure and innocent and then as we grow older we lose that purity as we make mistakes. Just as flowers wither and die and leaves fall to the ground, we make choices that take away our beauty. But the good news is…… we can begin again! And again! And again! Just like Springtime!

Our Father in Heaven’s plan for His children allows us to progress eternally. Jesus Christ atoned for our suffering, mistakes and sins and gives us every opportunity to repent and try again, and again to become better and more beautiful, more loving and kind, more obedient and more Christlike. Being as pure again as we were at birth is attainable!

I have needed the Atonement of Jesus Christ many times in my life. I love my Savior and all He has done for me. I am nothing without Him. I testify that repentance and a new beginning is the most precious gift our Father in Heaven has given His children!!!

Don’t let your mistakes stop your progression. Begin again and find Peace!

By Tanya Christiansen

For the Beauty of the Earth

I recently returned from the Island of Oahu. There are no words to describe the beauty there!!! Although eight days was not enough time to see all that I wanted to see and experience…..what I was able to see was so amazing!!!

God has created this beautiful world for his children.

“For the Beauty of the earth, For the Beauty of the skies,

For the Love which from our birth, over and around us lies.”

Discover the Beauty of the Earth!


by Tanya Christiansen

Take a Break


We all need to take an occasional break from the tasks of our normal day. To relax, to breathe or do whatever rejuvenates our bodies and our minds. I an writing this post while I am waiting to board a plane headed to the Hawaiin Islands to take a much needed break.

Stress affects people in different ways. I am a planner. Some act spontaneously. Sometimes I wish I didn’t always need a plan that gets me from point A to point B, But for me, that’s what works. Unfortunately there are always those unexpected things that have a way of appearing at the worst possible times and derail your plans.

It’s impossible to help others and accomplish things that you need or want to do when you have reached a point of exhaustion. Taking a little down time will not only benefit you but also benefit those around you.

What do you do when you take a break? Maybe you like to take a walk or listen to music… maybe even just sit quietly. Whatever it is that helps you relax can make a big difference in how you handle the challenges and tasks of each day.

Today I enjoyed my first day in Oahu, Hawaii, taking pictures and making plans for this week! It’s not everyday that I can fly to Hawaii to take a break but I at least try to do something each week that I enjoy if only for a short time.

Be Kind to Yourself and Take a Break! Aloha!

by Tanya Christiansen

Love Your Neighbor!

two women sitting by a lake

Matthew 22:37-39

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

These scriptures are not referring specifically to those neighbors that live next door to us, but instead to all those we come in contact with. Those in our neighborhoods, our communities, our work places, the super market and even our homes.

As a parent I have always hoped that my children who are now grown and gone would still love and care about their siblings, even though they have all gone their separate ways. I know that our Heavenly Father feels the same way about His children, after all we are all brothers and sisters.

This world needs more kindness, more compassion and more love. Although writing a post each week can be good for myself, that is not the reason I am writing. I write for my neighbors who live close to me and for those that are far away. My brothers and sisters whom I will never meet. I write especially for those who are broken in one way or another. Just like I was. It was my ‘Neighbors’ who helped guide me in the direction where I would find healing, and now it is my turn to give back.

If sharelift only helps one person, all of my time writing will be worth it. I share in hopes of lifting others to a higher place of peace and comfort. Our Savior Jesus Christ is the best example of loving our neighbor. He showed no malice or hatred towards anyone….even those who hurt him. He feels deep compassion and understanding for all of Gods children. His love is unconditional! Helping others turn to Christ brings blessings beyond measure!!!

Reach Out With Love to Those Around You!

by Tanya Christiansen

Walk in His Footsteps

footprints on beach

As a young mother I loved watching my toddlers step into my shoes or the shoes of their Dad and slop around in them trying to keep their balance. For some reason they loved putting their tiny feet in those bigger shoes. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who led a perfect life might feel much the same as we trip and stumble trying to follow Him. It is certainly not easy to develop those attributes that Christ himself has. I am a perfect example of someone who lost my balance and ventured away from the footsteps of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is that progression will continue on not only in this life but also in the world to come. The important thing is that we are moving forward following his steps.

Why is it important to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ? He is the way the truth and the light! His way brings peace and joy even during challenging times. His way will never lead us astray. He speaks only words of truth that lead all men to Eternal happiness with their loved ones beyond the grave. He is full of light. He is light. As we follow in his footsteps his light will guide us through the darkness.

There may be times that the way seems unclear but during those times Jesus Christ will carry you if you put your trust and faith in him. I love him with all my heart! He has led me back to safety!

Choose to follow the Master Teacher!

by Tanya Christiansen

I Can SEE Clearly!

photo of woman in red sweater

This past year has been a challenge for me. As my cataracts have gotten worse my vision has been less than great! It was a relief when my doctor finally said it was time to do surgery. But I guess it was also a little scary at the same time.

I was a little surprised when he sent me home with alot of literature to read that would help me decide what kind of artificial lens I would like to replace my natural lenses with. So after I read alot and questioned alot of people about their cataract experience, I met with my doctor and he helped me decide the lens that he would use on my right eye. He said we could decide later on the lens for my second eye since surgery was done one eye at a time and that way we could see how good the results were on the first surgery.

After finding out I had 20/20 vision for distance in one eye, I chose a close up lens for my other eye. This was called Mono Vision. I can now see Clearly close up and far away, without glasses or contacts!!! The color white has never seemed so white! I am loving my new vision!

I have thought alot about this experience and compared it to my conversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Going to church was never a constant in the home I grew up in. Even though I was baptized I don’t even remember that day nor did I understand what I was doing. In my teenage years my life got pretty murky and clouded over just like my natural lenses in my eyes. I felt no real sense of direction and ended up in some really dark places where I couldn’t see at all.

I think the beginning of restoring my sight was when I turned 20 and was given some literature to read and study. That was the true beginning for me. Using my agency at that time to learn and grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been an upward climb ever since.

It definitely hasn’t been easy but as I look where I was and where I am today I can truly say I wouldn’t change a thing. My struggles have been totally worth it. Unfortunately some people like me have to see the dark before they can find the light. I know my conversion continues and my testimony will grow stronger and stronger until the perfect day when I will see even more clearly and the color white will be the brightest white my eyes have ever seen! I leave my testimony with you in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Seeking after truth can give you 20/20 vision!

By Tanya Christiansen

Stumbling Blocks

photo of concrete blocks during daytime
Photo by Adrien Olichon on

As you go through life do you ever run into stumbling blocks when you are trying to reach a goal or destination? From my own experience I have learned that these stumbling blocks that often make life challenging, actually present opportunities for learning and growth.

Take for example the stumbling block of Fear. This has been a big one for me. Fear of failure, fear of speaking in front of people, fear of making a fool of myself, fear of losing my friends, fear for my children and the choices they are making, and the list goes on. The only way one can overcome fear is to gain enough courage, self confidence and faith in ones self and in God and face those stumbling blocks one at time.

As I have exercised faith and prayed to overcome obstacles in my life I have found that my Savior Jesus Christ has given me the strength to move forward with the confidence that I can do hard things. I am not saying this will be easy, (in fact it may be the hardest work you will ever do) but….. you can push those stumbling blocks out of your way and achieve those goals you are striving to reach if you truly have the desire.

I testify that God loves you and wants you to succeed. He will help you if you ask in Faith.

Philippians 4:13

” I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Knock those stumbling blocks out of your way!

by Tanya Christiansen

Living With PTSD

bench fashion man love

I always thought that PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome) was only something that affected those who had been involved in combat. I witnessed first hand the effects war can have on one’s life when my brother returned home, severely injured from fighting on the front line of the Vietnam conflict. Life wasn’t the same for him and came with many challenges to overcome. Some that still trouble him today.

Because of my limited understanding of PTSD I was quite shocked when my therapist diagnosed me with PTSD and Complex Trauma. The fact is that anyone can have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome who has either witnessed or experienced something traumatic. Some are able to process this kind of event without it having negative effects on their life. While others are deeply affected having this trauma almost consume their every decision and action…damaging them as a person.

Perceiving your trauma for what it is and not allowing it to change you and your personality is much easier said than done. There are many things that can trigger your trauma bringing that event back to life as if it was happenning again. I wish I could say that my PTSD didn’t affect me much, but the truth is… it did! It affected my self esteem. It affected my relationships. It affected my personality and ability to trust others. It took away my enjoyment. It made me afraid to be around people. It kept me from knowing my true identity as a child of God.

My formula for overcoming the effects of PTSD is P-prayer, T-trust in my S– Savior and D- Determination to succeed. You don’t have to allow your trauma to affect your life. Invite God to help you by praying. In time you will learn that you can trust your Father in Heaven to always be there with unconditional love for you. He will strengthen you. Jesus Christ felt all of the trauma that all of God’s children will witness or experience. He Atoned for all suffering and injustices so that your burden can be transferred to Him. With divine help, faith in Christ and a determination to be strengthened, PTSD becomes manageable or non-existent allowing you to find peace and happiness.

Don’t Let Trauma decide what kind of Life you will have. Seek help if needed!

by Tanya Christiansen

Other related posts of mine:

From Hurting to Healing and

Changing Our Thought Process

Walk in His Footsteps

footprints on beach

As a young mother I loved watching my toddlers step into my shoes or the shoes of their Dad and slop around in them trying to keep their balance. For some reason they loved putting their tiny feet in those bigger shoes. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who led a perfect life might feel much the same as we trip and stumble trying to follow Him. It is certainly not easy to develope those attributes that Christ himself has. I am a perfect example of someone who lost my balance and ventured away from the footsteps of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is that progression will continue on not only in this life but also in the world to come. The important thing is that we are moving forward following his steps.

Why is it important to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ? He is the way the truth and the light! His way brings peace and joy even during challenging times. His way will never lead us astray. He speaks only words of truth that lead all men to Eternal happiness with their loved ones beyond the grave. He is full of light. He is light. As we follow in His footsteps His light will guide us through the darkness.

There may be times that the way seems unclear but during those times Jesus Christ will carry you if you put your trust and faith in Him. I love him with all my heart! He has lead me back to safety!

Choose to follow the Master Teacher!

by Tanya Christiansen

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