Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Author: ctr75 Page 6 of 21

Be Alert

police car and a suv parked on roadside
Photo by Erik Mclean on

Getting pulled over by a cop is a very unpleasant feeling. Unfortunately I have experienced that three times in my lifetime. Two of those for speeding that resulted in a hefty fine. Most of us, have at least had a Police car following behind us while we are driving. How does that make you feel? That situation makes me immediately slow down and check my speed.

Why is it so much easier to put the brakes on when something bad is knocking on your door. The time to slow down and check our speed and direction is when we back out of our driveway. In other words be alert all of the time!

Life is much the same! If we are running faster than we have strength or running in the wrong direction we may find trouble ahead. God has warned us numerous times to BE ALERT! Satan is there to throw us off course and lead us to his home called misery. Pay attention to all of lifes warning signs. They are everywhere!!!

Stay awake, Be alert!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

You Can Make A Difference

close up photo of purple and orange starfish
Photo by Mark Walz on

One morning a man walked along a beach covered with thousands of starfish that had washed up during a storm. Now they lay dying in the sun. He saw a young girl picking up the starfish one by one and tossing them into the sea. As he approached her he couldn’t help but ask, “Why bother? There are too many of them to make a difference.” She picked up another starfish and tossed it into the water. Then she turned to the man and said, “I made a difference to that one.”

Our Heavenly Father values all of his creations, but He especially values His children. It doesn’t matter the color of your skin, the environment you live in or even the choices you make. Your Father in Heaven will always love you. All of God’s children have great worth and the possibility of receiving Eternal blessings according to their faithfulness in keeping His commandments.

In the scriptures the Savior has repeatedly said the words, “Feed My Sheep.” We are all His Sheep, but at times we will be the one who reaches out to help one of His lost Sheep. Some may have fallen off of the covenant path while others may need to feel loved and cared about. There are numerous reasons why one may feel lost, and some may not even realize that they are.

We have all probably felt inadequate at one time or another in not knowing how to help someone in need. We may second guess ourselves and decide that someone else might be better qualified in a particular situation. I have felt that way many times myself. But the truth is… You and you alone can make a difference!!! We should never pass up the opportunity to act on a prompting to reach out even if we have no idea what we are going to say or do. The Lord will help us in that very moment! I believe that with all my heart!

Never second guess your ability to make a difference in someone’s life!

By Tanya Christiansen

Picture Perfect

This is only one of my twenty three grand children. I literally have thousands of perfect pictures, and I’m sure you do too. But perfect pictures are just that…Perfect, they really don’t tell the story.

Behind someone’s smile there might be distress, depression, anxiety, illness, loneliness and even fear. Just like you can’t judge a book by its cover you also can’t tell what’s going on in a person’s life by their face.

Taking the time to really get to know someone may reveal a person far different than what you saw on the surface. We all need someone who cares enough to hear our story. Life would really be mundane if we were all the same and experienced the same things.

I can’t begin to count the number of times that I have been inspired to be a better person because of watching someone else’s struggles and how they have pushed forward through something difficult.

We may all hide behind a picture perfect face at times but it is when we show our true self that others will see that even during difficult times our strengths will shine through lifting those around us.

Don’t be afraid to share your story, it might just be what someone needs to hear!

by Tanya Christiansen

Learning From Parables

In 2015 I decided that my lawn was beyond help. It was more weeds than healthy grass, and so with the help of neighbors and family we killed out the entire lawn. For the next two years we continued to spray weeds as they popped through the dirt. It was a long and annoying process and at times very frustrating, besides being hard work. After things were more in control we laid sod. It was so beautiful and exciting to have instant grass that was actually weed free and healthy.

It wasn’t long before little weeds began to pop up in my beautiful grass. My next door neighbor taught me what fertilizer to use and what to spray on the weeds. Keeping my lawn weed free does take some time each week, but caring for it has become enjoyable. I am much more aware of those little weeds and I am determined to catch them while they are small because I know that they can quickly take over and ruin my lawn.

One thing I have noticed throughout my adult life is that experiences such as caring for my grass, can teach deeper and more meaningful lessons. Just as the Savior Jesus Christ taught with parables, I am one of those who seems to learn easier if I can compare what is being taught to something going on in my life. It’s amazing to me how often that happens if I ask myself this question. What can I learn from this experience?

At the age of seventeen I found myself just like my lawn, full of weeds that were destroying me and taking over my health and beauty. I went through alot of years of not really having the tools or knowledge to completely free myself from those nasty weeds. Of course I made attempts but I always fell short, never reaching that peace and joy that my lawn has brought to me, until… day…. I stopped trying to fix things myself and I asked for help.

Through truly letting the Savior Jesus Christ into my life, folliwing Him and trusting that He….. and only He….has the power through His Atonement to cleanse my soul, has the beauty I came into this world with been restored. I now obtain the tools like repentance, forgiveness, patience, faith and charity which help me resist the temptations of Satan and stay on the covenant path. Just like nourishing my lawn with water and fertilizer I have to nourish my soul by partaking on a regular basis of the words and teachings of Jesus Christ and then acting and applying those things into my life.

I am so grateful for this miracle that has taken place. I have never felt such peace and joy as I feel today. I am far from perfect and still deal with the occasional weeds and the natural man in me but I am much healthier spiritually when I nourish my soul by following Jesus Christ.

Look for Parables in your life and learn!

by Tanya Christiansen

A Higher and Holier Way

mountain peaks covered in snow

Mosiah 3:19

For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and putteth off the natural man and becometh a Saint through the Atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”

If you are like me, putting off the natural man can be a very difficult and lengthy process. One that will most definitely take a life time and then some. Our Father in Heaven desires for us to become as He is. His ways are higher and holier than the ways of the natural or mortal man in each of us.

So where do we start with putting off the natural man? I personally pray in faith to know of those things that I lack and the Holy Ghost brings to my mind those areas where I need to overcome weaknesses that are keeping me from becoming more like my Father in Heaven. I do not feel that I am being chastised but instead I feel my Father’s love. I know that He is patient and kind. I know that He wants His children to receive all He has to offer, which are magnificent blessings beyond any earthly treasures!!!

Putting off the natural man means forgiving even our enemies, ridding ourselves of petty jealousies, loving unconditionally as our Savior Jesus Christ loves. I have fallen so many times in trying to overcome my weaknesses but my Father is there to help me up and encourages me to try again. He gives me the strength to resist the temptations of Satan and he puts people in my path that strengthen me… sometimes on a daily basis. I testify that these things are true and that God loves you and will help you to put off the natural man if you ask in faith!

Overcome the natural man one step at a time.

by Tanya Christiansen

Related post- ‘Strength to Overcome’

Reaching Milestones

high angle photo of woman on ladder
Photo by Samantha Garrote on

From the moment we were born into this world of mortality, reaching milestones became a part of who we would become. Some would have challenges from the very moment of there first breath bringing a milestone of surviving through the night, while others would follow a different pattern of developmental milestones depending on environment, inherited genes and the determination to succeed.

An Olympian gymnast didn’t make it to the Olympics by reaching one milestone but instead by reaching possibly thousands of smaller milestones along the way. Determination, patience and thinking positive play a big part in reaching those goals and milestones we have set for ourselves.

While going through some of my moms papers this weekend I came across these words she had written:

  1. Set a definite goal.
  2. Quit running yourself down.
  3. Forget about the reasons you can’t be a success and think of the reasons why you can.
  4. Where did you first get the idea you couldn’t be a success.
  5. Change the image of yourself by writing out a description of the person you would like to become.
  6. Act the part of the person you want to be.

Our Father in Heaven placed us on Earth to walk by Faith and grow both physically and spiritually. He is cheering us on and is there to assist us in reaching those milestones. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to carry our burdens and give us peace. He gave us the Holy Ghost to help us stay on the right path. He put us in families so we could lift and encourage each other.

As children of God we are destined for success! Believe in yourself and reach those Milestones!

by Tanya Christiansen

Spring Forward

Sprintime is such an amazing time of year! I love watching my flowers bloom and my grass turn green. Such a warm welcome after the passing of cold winter months. With that warmth comes motivation and a new chance for me to accomplish some of the things I am struggling with.

Yesterday my granddaughter and I went to the store to pick up my order of rolls that were not quite ready when we arrived. We stood waiting, smelling the aroma of all the delicious baked goods for about fifteen minutes. ( Not a good choice when you are trying to diet.) As the time went on our strength to resist purchasing a tasty treat began to crumble. Before we knew it, we had succumbed to the aroma and made our selection.

Today in church one of the speakers told me exactly where I had gone wrong. He talked about how our desires and thoughts lead to our actions. I realized that if I had truly desired to stick to my diet I wouldn’t have put myself in harms way. I would have made a better choice such as walking around the store or waiting in my car til my order was ready. My thoughts and desire to enjoy that poppy seed muffin led to my action of purchasing and eating one.

I hope to spring forward and reach some of my goals this year. I know that I must nurture my soul and body by partaking of only good wholesome things both spiritually and physically. It is much the same with resisting the temptations of Satan. My thoughts and true desires will bring forth predictable results!

Spring forward this Spring and accomplish your hearts desire!

by Tanya Christiansen

Finding Strength Through Service

man holding orange electric grass cutter on lawn
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

One of the hardest things for me since losing my husband almost nine years ago has been accepting help from others without feeling inferior and helpless. I couldn’t ask for a better street to live on with such wonderful friends and neighbors who are always ready to serve me in whatever way I need. The Lord has truly blessed me to be surrounded by such good people!

As I have struggled with feelings of depression and inadequacy, I was counseled to reach out and serve others. Having been introvert for most of my life I knew this would be another struggle for me but one I was determined to try. It made perfect sense that if I would serve others I might not feel so helpless when family, friends and neighbors served me, but to my surprise I found so much more!!!

If you have lost a loved one….serve. If you are lonely…serve. If you are feeling that you have no worth…serve. If you feel the weight of transgressions…serve. If you are feeling that life is unfair….serve. I promise that as you serve others you will gain the strength you need to overcome whatever you are dealing with or at the very least you will find peace.

Our Father in Heaven taught His children this very same lesson when He sent His Only Begotten Son to Serve. Never has there been a greater example of someone who served and sacrificed so selflessly.

I have truly found personal strength through serving others even though I still have hard days. I not only found needed strength but I found that I too have a purpose and something worthwhile to give others. I found that I can give love and be loved. I found that I can have peace and even joy while I wait to be reunited with my husband. Serving others has truly served me!

Serving Others Can Bring Peace During Hard Times!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Easter Morn

body of water in cave
He Is Risen!

A few days ago I put some plastic eggs in a basket and sat them on the floor in my living room. I fully intended to eventually put candy in them. My 3 year old grandson came over to visit and of course went right to the eggs picking one and opening it. With great disappointment he announced that there was nothing in it! This experience made me think of the empty tomb that was discovered on the third day after Jesus Christ was crucified. Unlike my grandson’s disappointment in finding the egg empty, I am overjoyed that the tomb where Jesus Christ’s body was laid was found empty on Easter Morn!

My knowledge of the life and ressurection of Jesus Christ brings peace and comfort to my soul! His Atonement means that all mankind will be ressurected. Although we all have to wait to be reunited with loved ones who have passed on, and we all know we will eventually die, I testify that the glorious ressurection day will come just like Easter Morn when our spirits will be rejoined with our bodies never to be separated again!!!

Have Faith in the greatest gift ever given to mankind! Happy Easter!

by Tanya Christiansen

How Do You Hear Him?

These past few days I have been feeding my soul by listening to the words of a few of the Lord’s disciples. Every six months leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gather together in a great conference to give members instructions. This is a great time for investigators to learn the beliefs of our church.

As I have pondered the words spoke and listened to promptings and feelings, the word contention keeps coming to my mind. Almost every speaker had something to say about contention in our families, in our relationships, in our communities, and even within our own selves. Contention is one of the adversaries greatest weapons to destroy peace and harmony in the lives of all who choose to follow Jesus Christ. Satan’s goal is to derail us from choosing righteousness. He desires for us to be miserable like he is.

As I pray, ponder and listen to the Holy Ghost, I recognize areas in my own life where there is contention. I am most grateful for being able to hear what my Father in Heaven would have me do. He desires all of His children to return home to Him someday. The adversary desires just the opposite! If he can cause contention in families and relationships he will be one step closer to reaching his goal.

This mortal life is a battle between good and evil. Whose side are you on? We can win this battle by serving others with compassion, loving a little deeper, forgiving a little quicker, building bridges of understanding, obeying commandments with deeper conviction, and worshipping God with more humility. True disciples of Jesus Christ are peacemakers who avoid contention and love unconditionally as our Savior Jesus Christ loves.

I testify that through prayer… you can truly communicate with your Father in Heaven, who will tell you through the power of the Holy Ghost…. how to alleviate contention from your life.

Be a Peacemaker and avoid Contention!!!

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