Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Author: ctr75 Page 11 of 21

Mental Fatigue

wood pattern texture business

Mental Fatigue is defined as a state of tiredness that sets in when your brains energy level is depleted. I can only try to solve the Rubik’s Cube for a couple of minutes before I feel that mental tiredness. I definitely have no desire to expand my thinking and study the solution to solving it. On the other hand my grandson took the time to study each step necessary to solve the cube until he could successfully complete the puzzle. His record time now is 36 seconds. I love watching him solve it! I have other grandsons who can do the same.

Our brains, just like the rest of our bodies need rest. If you are like me your brain contains multiple thoughts each hour of everyday. It seems that the busier I get the more crowded my head feels. I spend alot of time trying to focus on one thing at time. It’s a fact that I can quickly get a bad headache from too much thinking about multiple things at the same time.

Mental Fatigue can even bring about physical sickness in varied ways. I have personally experienced a chronic illness that many health care professionals believe can be brought on by mental fatigue. It has taken me a lifetime to heal both mentally and physically and learn the necessary skills to reverse the damage caused.

Be kind to yourself both mentally and physically. Learn to say no. It’s okay to not take on more than you can handle. Rest can rejuvenate your mind and body. We all need rest!!! It seems that this fast paced world often takes us to lengths that are not in our best interest. Seek professional help if necessary.

Life’s best decisions are made when we are mentally healthy!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook

God’s Creations

pink rose wallpaper
Notice the Rose Instead of the Thorn

On this Father’s day my thoughts turn to my husband, my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for God’s creations. Summer is fast approaching with its warmth and vibrant colors for all to enjoy! The rose is one of my favorites with its intricate design and satisfying fragrance.

My mom grew the most beautiful roses! I often would cut myself a bunch to take home and enjoy. No matter how careful I was, I always seemed to get poked by a thorn at least once or twice. Perhaps the thorns were God’s way of protecting one of His most beautiful creations.

More valued than the rose is the creation of the human soul. Our mortal eyes often see the imperfections before we see the beauty. Our Father in Heaven looks upon our heart. He sees beauty in all of His children! Look deeper and see the beautiful world we live in!

Beauty is more than skin deep!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook

One Step At A Time

Life offers an abundance of opportunities, challenges and teaching moments where adults as well as children and teens will choose how they will respond. We have probably all had moments when we would just like to jump to the finish line. Unfortunately most things require time, patience and perserverance as we take one step at a time. It is beneficial to have a goal or idea of where you would like to end up. The steps we take don’t always lead to good things, so it is important to know what you desire and where you are headed. If you find that you are off course you will have to take additional steps in reverse to get back on the right path.

It has been said that it takes 21 consecutive days to form a habit. Our age and maturity play a big part in the way we respond to different situations and how patient we are as we strive to reach our goals. Let me share a few examples. If you are going to school to gain a skill in a particular area you cannot jump to the finish line. There are tests to pass that require developing good study habits. There are many steps you must take before you graduate. Challenges are the same and require patience, self control and a plan of what you are going to do as you take one day at a time. Illness requires the steps of rest and possibly someone with the skills and knowledge to help you get well. Sometimes all you can do is wait. Desire is the first step if you want to strengthen a relationship. Most things of worth are not easy to obtain!

Likewise there are steps we must take to gain Eternal Life with our families. The Holy Scripture’s outline those steps. Sometimes it may be necessary to take a few steps in the darkness before we see the light. Trusting in God and his timing can give us the strength to put one foot in front of the other as we patiently move forward. Repenting of our mistakes and sins also require certain steps. There is no shortcut to Heaven!

You will never be beat… unless you quit!!! Keep moving forward!

by Tanya Christiansen

Thinking Outside the Box

cardboard box on table in room with plants
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Writing my post each sunday means I do a lot of thinking during the week. My writing has become very therapeutic for myself and hopefully beneficial to others as well. I consider myself a deep thinker. I analyze everything which sometimes is not beneficial. It is much better to trust your decisions and not go over them in your head fifty times. On a positive side, thinking outside the box can be very helpful to you and those you associate with. I think sometimes our thoughts and actions become very routine. We become very certain with where we stand on certain issues. That is good!!! But what if thinking outside the box…….taking a little more time before we respond or act could bring about something even better???

I believe that we can be inspired in ALL of our thoughts and actions. We can pray for guidance and act when we feel prompted and in the way the Holy Ghost inspires. I have found that divine inspiration sometimes is totally different than what my quick thought is. Our Father in Heaven knows each of his children and what will benefit them. I know he can help us to think outside the box or in other words, slow down, ask for guidance and take the time to listen. Then, act upon those thoughts that come and trust that you are saying or doing what the Lord would want you to do.

Words and actions have a very powerful effect and can change the outcome in any situation. Our thoughts govern who we are, how we act, and who we become. You can’t reverse a word spoken or undo a hasteful action, but as you take the time to really think about what you are facing, you can trust that you are moving forward in the right way. You may not always see the end results of your thoughts and actions but our Father in Heaven does.

Take the Time to Pray and Ponder Before You Act!

by Tanya Christiansen

The Power of Positive Thinking

Take a minute and think about someone you know who always has a smile on their face. I love being around those kind of people! Their positive attitude about life, (even when things are rough), makes me want to try harder to find the good in any given situation. Being around those kind of people lifts my mood and helps me reflect on those things I have to be grateful for. I want to be remembered as someone who chose to be happy even during difficult things.

Having dealt with depression for a big part of my life, it has been a breath of fresh air to finally feel truly happy! Happy with who I am. Happy with my life and where I am with my progression. And especially happy to know that I am part of our Heavenly Fathers plan! Slowly over a long period of time I have been able to face and discard all of my distorted thoughts, misconceptions, and negative remarks that I had taken to heart and allowed to become whom I thought was me. The thing that has helped me the very most was the encouragement, example and positive attitudes of those people around me. There always seems to be a few people who seem to find something positive during the worst experiences. I want to be like that!

Paying attention to your thoughts is a good place to start if you are struggling with being negative. You have the ability to shift your negative thoughts to more positive ones. Positive words and actions lift ourselves and others while negative responses tear down. Being positive is very closely related to Faith. There is power in being positive, even when and especially when, things are crumbling around us. We can have faith in better days ahead. We can have faith in ourselves and our ability to accomplish those things required of us. Your smile or encouraging words can truly make the difference and might give someone the courage to keep trying!!!

Are You Happy With What You See in The Mirror?

by Tanya Christiansen

Sacred Suffering

grayscale photo of a bearded man praying
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

I once thought of suffering as painful, dark, dreary, hurtful and anything but sacred. But somewhere along the way my suffering became sacred. Dont get me wrong…….the pain was still there, but there was also something greater than the distress. Ponder for a few minutes how you feel both emotionally and physically when you are in the middle of hard things. Our bodies respond to sickness, sadness and injury in an effort to heal us and relieve suffering. Tears release endorphins and oxytocin that help relieve emotional and physical distress. An Adreniline Rush is our bodies way of responding to pain or stress by heightening our abilities in what you may know as fight or flight. Suffering certainly isn’t pleasant. Grieving can drain our energy and even cause us to become ill. Severe suffering can bring on feelings of worthlessness.

On Sunday in my church meeting I heard the story of Job from the Old Testament who suffered greatly. For a period of time he felt that God had forgotten him. In years past I felt the same way. I have since then (through sincere and humble prayer) come to feel the comforting and strengthening spirit of the Holy Ghost. My most difficult suffering has become sacred to me because….during those times I have drawn closer to my Heavenly Father and felt His love and strength through the power of the Holy Ghost greater than any other time in my life. That divine help makes it possible for me to endure what ever hardship I am going through.

Calling upon God through prayer, having Faith that He can strengthen and comfort you during challenging times can bring you peace as you wait for better days. I know this is true. I have felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I know that suffering refines us and is for our benefit and a part of mortal life. God will not always remove the cause of our pain but He will always send the strength to endure if we humbly ask Him. In closing I wish to share the words from Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “No matter what our mortal experience may entail we can trust God and find joy in Him.”

Turn to God and Find Peace and Strength

by Tanya Christiansen

Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth

What makes a house a home? To me a home is much more than a house. A home is a place where you feel warmth, love, and safety. A home is a place where you can express your feelings. A home is a place where you can be yourself and escape from the influences of the outside world if only for a little while. Those people you live with can help make your house a home. Different personalities can determine the mood or atmosphere in your home. Physical appearance and cleanliness can help a home to feel warm and inviting. The type of social media allowed in your home can also make a big impact.

At a young age I thought my house was a home because I really didn’t have anything to compare to. My fathers passing when I was eight brought feelings of sadness and uncertainty into our home. Two years later my mom remarried and we moved away leaving the only home I ever knew. My mom and step father attempted to blend two families together which didn’t go very well. I remember alot of contention, swearing and arguing as five kids from very different backgrounds tried to get along with each other. My step father had a very hot temper especially when us kids were quarreling. I quickly became afraid of my step father.

It wasn’t until many years later when I started raising a family of my own that I learned of those things that invite a peaceful Spirit into ones house making it a home. Prayer invites the Spirit of the Holy Ghost which encourages showing love and kindness to anyone who resides there or comes to visit. Uplifting music brings peace and calmness. Our homes can be a little bit of heaven on earth where our families and friends can feel safe and happy!

Create an atmosphere in your home where the Spirit of the Lord can dwell bringing peace to all who enter!

by Tanya Christiansen

Keeping an Eternal Perspective

road between pine trees
Photo by veeterzy on

Shortly after my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer a neighbor who had moved away came to visit me. He had no idea that he was an answer to my prayers as I searched for understanding. After expressing his condolences he started teaching me about keeping an Eternal Perspective and encouraged me to look at the big picture. His words have came to me many times these past almost eight years of being alone. I find strength when I remind myself that mortality is but a small moment in time and that all sadness, sickness, and even death will someday be no more.

How blessed we are to be apart of God’s tapestry! This beautiful painting called Eternal life is glorious beyond description! If you look at the big picture you will find strokes of love, peace, hope, joy, strength and compassion. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Maybe we could all benefit from looking at the big picture even in our day to day events. Having the full story in our disagreements with others can bring compassion and understanding while dissolving the dispute. Looking at the big picture when a dream is shattered can open the door to other possibilities that might bring more growth than the original direction we were headed. God sees the big picture when he looks at us. He views his children with an Eternal Perspective. He knows who we really are and who we really can become.

Our mortal view often limits our perspective which can bring frustration, discouragement and even fear. That’s exactly how I felt that day when my husband and I left the Oncologist’s office. All I could see was shattered dreams. Life felt so unfair. The gospel of Jesus Christ turns shattered dreams into better dreams. Actually dreams that aren’t just dreams but reality!!! I know I will see my husband again and continue our relationship as husband and wife! I know this is possible because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I will keep an Eternal Perspective until that day comes!

We can’t see the end of the road because we are part of something bigger, something Eternal.

by Tanya Christiansen


Stand Up, Speak Up

man in blue denim vest holding microphone
Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent on

Having been one of the most introvert people I know, I have learned a thing or two about why you should stand tall and let your voice be heard! I thought for a lot of years that I really had nothing to offer to anyone and the cruelty of those who were quick to put me down, not listen and even verbally abuse, only validated the negative thoughts I already had about myself. It can take a lifetime to undo all the lies, misconceptions and negative remarks or actions that take a front row seat in your mind. Believe me….. this really can be true, because this is my story! Unfortunately I have lived this. And luckily I have risen above the damage caused to me as a person.

We have all been hurt at times by someone’s thoughtless words and I’m certain we have all been on the other end and said something we wish we hadn’t said. So make allowances and be forgiving!

Now getting to the good part of this post! And that’s YOU!!! STAND UP and SPEAK UP! Let the world know who YOU really are! Letting others know your experiences, what you believe, and what you value can open the doors of understanding, compassion and change! Words and actions are SO powerful. They can degrade or uplift. They can teach truth or instill lies. They can brighten ones day or fill a soul with darkness. Your opinion matters, your thoughts can enlighten. Living up to those valuable words you speak can influence others to change, to be better, to try harder. If you struggle with speaking up, believe in yourself. Believe that you have something worth saying. Follow those promptings within.

Perhaps those quiet whispers we hear in our mind and our hearts can be the loudest and the most influential of all. The deception of the adversary can make us think we are much less than we really are. On the flip side of that, the comforting and calming whispers of the Still Small Voice can bring peace and clarity and helps us to know of our divine nature as children of God. So Stand Up and Speak Up!!! Share those things you have learned during your journey on Earth!!!

Your words might be exactly what someone needs to hear!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

He Is Risen

St. Luke 24: 1-6

“Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And it came to pass as they were much perplexed there about, behold two men stood by them in shining garments: and as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen!”

The single most important event that has ever occurred or will ever occur happened when Jesus Christ was resurrected and overcame death. Is resurrection only for a select few? No, resurrection is for all mankind. I look forward with faith to that glorious day when we will no longer live amongst sorrow, sickness and sin. I know with certainty that I can be reunited with loved ones never to be separated from them again. This is because Jesus Christ atoned on the cross for all sins and suffering of every kind. I can not repay Him but I can honor Him by repenting and following Him. I show my love for Him by sharing His gospel with others!!!

I testify this Easter Sunday that Jesus Christ lives and was resurrected on the third day. And because he overcame death we can all be resurrected and live with our families Eternally. What a glorious gift the Father has given to His children in the gift of His Son!!!

Easter means to me: no more sickness.

Easter means to me: no more sorrow.

Easter means to me: no more sin.

Easter means to me: no more death.

Easter means to me: Eternal joy!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Happy Easter to All!

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