two little boys helping their mother in the kitchen and using a rolling pin
Photo by Jep Gambardella on

Is your life mundane and routine, or are you anxiously engaged in a good cause? Are you driven by your own thoughts and goals or are you driven by others? How do you feel when you awaken each day? Do you feel you have a purpose in this mortal life? These are questions that most have pondered at some point.

I personally need to improve in this area. For the most part I feel anxiously engaged to do good and serve others but there are still those days that I feel a little overwhelmed and lonely. We all have those days I’m sure. The important thing is that we find our strengths and allow them to give our lives purpose and meaning by sharing them with others. For me…..that was when I began to realize my full potential and purpose in life.

city road man love
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

As children of God we have the power within us to inspire, guide, teach and help change lives for the better. We can be the Lords hands to help and encourage those around us to do good. This world needs kindness! This world needs Love! Find your purpose and be anxiously engaged in using that purpose for a good cause. You may never actually see the results of your efforts but I can guarantee you will feel a fulfillment like none other!!!

Don’t Allow Past or Present Circumstances To Determine Your Future!

by Tanya Christiansen