Do you believe in Angels?

The scriptures contain numerous accounts of Angels visiting mortal beings to bring messages of truth and warning, ministering to their needs, and providing strength and protection. It was an Angel who pronounced the pending birth of Jesus Christ to the young woman Mary, who would be His mother. The Savior himself was visited by an Angel to give Him strength while He was suffering in the Garden of Gethsemene. I believe that for some of our loved one’s who have passed on, a calling or responsibility might be to minister to the needs of those of us still living here on Earth. The blessing of ministering Angels may or may not be recognized but it will always be sacred.

In my opinion there are two kinds of Angels, those you can see and those you can’t. My main focus for this post is to talk about those Angels we pass by in the grocery store, or who sit across from us on the bus or plane. There are Angels that live in our neighborhoods and maybe in our own families. My street…. should be called Angel Street! I have been so blessed to be surrounded and uplifted by Angels who live nearby. All Angels have hearts of gold filled with the pure love of Christ. Their thoughts turn to the need’s of others before their own. Angels exemplify the highest form of love called Charity.

Years ago I wrote a true story called ‘Angels from Orem’. It was based on an experience our family had in 1986. We decided to take our five daughters, ages 7 months, 3 years, 6 years, 8 years and 10 years, to the pageant in Manti, Ut. We got off the freeway in Orem for a bathroom stop and our old van decided to quit running right in the middle of the intersection. The first Angel was a nice young man who helped my husband push our van out of the road and into a neighborhood. Luckily my husband had some mechanical experience and soon determined our fuel pump had gone out. By that time our kids were restless and wanted out of the van. We sat on the curb, (I’m sure being quite a sight), while my husband continued to remove the fuel pump. It wasn’t long until a flood of Angels came our way, offering a ride to the parts store, water, sandwiches and cookies, and extra hands to help install the new fuel pump. Before long we were on our way to Manti. My heart was so touched that I couldn’t wait to get home and write about our experience.

It is so easy to get caught up with our own responsibilities that we can’t seem to find time to be there for others, but… You and I might just be the Angels that someone else is praying for.

Do You Believe in Angels? I Sure Do!!!

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