sea sunset holiday water
Are you steadfast and unmovable?

When a vessel loses power in a storm, a metal anchor attached to the ship can be lowered to the seabed to hold the vessel in a particular place. The purpose of the anchor is to keep the ship safe. In Hebrews chapter 6 we learn that an anchor is also a symbol of hope. Hope in Jesus Christ and salvation. Just as a ship sometimes requires the strength of an anchor to keep it from drifting off course or sinking, we often need the example and teachings of Jesus Christ to keep our heads a float in the storms of life. Even when the waves are high and we feel like we will soon be consumed in the depths of the sea, having our anchor firmly in Jesus Christ and His Atonement will see us through to the end of the storm where the sun will rise again!

Life will always bring high waves or challenges. Adversity can come as a great storm or it can deceive us by appearing calm and inviting. That is why our anchor must be firmly planted. Just as we should never go out to sea without life jackets, God has not left us without saving devices to keep us from drowning. Those saving devices begin with His plan of salvation. He gave His Only Begotten Son to be the Savior or anchor for His children. Jesus Christ’s mission is to save. He is indeed the Savior of all mankind. So how do we become anchored in the Lord?

First of all we learn of Him, His characteristic’s, His mission and His teachings. We can know for ourselves of His existence through the power of prayer. Second we can invite Him to be our personal Savior and love and trust him with all our hearts. Third, we can strive to be like Him by loving and serving those around us. Fourth we can keep His commandments and repent when we make mistakes and strive to do better.

As we make Christ the center of our lives He will become a solid and dependable anchor that will give us strength and stability no matter how severe the storm.

Jesus Christ Will Strengthen You During Life’s Storms.

by Tanya Christiansen (comments welcome on Facebook or at