man standing on seashore
Photo by Yogendra Singh on

Most have asked themselves the question at one time or another, Am I Enough? This question can often motivate one to try harder, be better or overcome something unacceptable. But….It can also cause one to become discouraged and doubt that they will never measure up or be good enough. But….good enough for who? Themselves, their family, their God?

Our Father in Heaven loves effort. Any effort, great or small. We are enough if we simply try. Life is not a race. We don’t need to compare ourselves to others who seem to be further ahead in progression or success. Comparing can hinder our personal growth. What ‘seems to be‘ when we look at others might not be ‘what really is’. We shouldn’t compare our worst to someone else’s best. You are Enough! You are a child of God with great potential. If we could only see ourselves as our Father in Heaven sees us. We all learn differently and at our own pace. Each of us have talents waiting to be discovered.

I know as a parent I have often wondered if I failed to do enough in raising my children. As a spouse I asked myself the same question. Was I a good spouse those 40 years or did I fall short. Yes, at times I did fall short as a wife and mother but it’s okay because I tried. Everytime I failed I got back up and tried again.

Satan uses self esteem against us to pull us down. He will constantly tell you that you are not good enough. That you are a failure and do not deserve great blessings. He will lie to you because he wants you to suffer as he suffers. The Holy Spirit will tell you exactly the opposite. He will tell you of your worth and potential, he will always speak the truth. Who will you listen to?

1 Samuel 16:7

“……for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”


by Tanya Christiansen

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