I had a very interesting and eventful week! It started out with my normal routine, completing various tasks and doing some things I enjoy but it quickly turned to some serious pain and a trip to the ER where I was told I was having a heart attack! That was a big shock to me! And also very scary! An angiogram revealed some problems with my heart, some that I might be able to keep from getting worse through making smarter choices and another problem that was out of my control. That was a big wake up call for me!!! Even though there might not be much I can do to change the condition of my heart at the present time, there might be alot I can do to take better care of myself in the future. Of course I am hoping for a miracle that will heal my heart completely, but I am grateful to be alive and enjoy family and friends this holiday season!

Wake up calls can be blessings that draw our attention to things that really matter and help us realize those things that are just a big waste of time. Sometimes we have to be shook up a little to say, “Hey what am I doing here? Do I need to do something different? Where am I headed?” We all have the light of Christ or the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us if we only listen. Don’t wait for something major to get your attention!!!

Wake Up and Evaluate Yourself and the Choices You are Making Now!

by Tanya Christiansen