purple flowers in brown soil
Photo by Matu Bil on Pexels.com

I love the Seasons that Utah offers with all of its variety. This time of year we begin to see little bits of green sometimes peeking through the last of the little mounds of snow. If nourished, they will grow and bring joy to many. Although January is the common time for goal setting, I find that this time of year is when I begin to feel some renewed motivation stirring within myself. Another chance to make changes in my life, to be better, do more, take better care of myself and pay more attention to the things and people around me. I have come to love being amongst God’s creations and the peace and quiet that resides there. The symbolism of spring, birth and second chances brings a serene calm to my soul.

This is not the way I have always felt. For many years I had blinders on thinking that the gloomy way I pictured my life was reality. It takes some of that spiritual vision with a broader picture in mind to truly see Springtime and new beginnings the way God wants us to. There are many lessons to be learned beginning with recognizing our value and helping it to blossom by only partaking of the good things of life. Things that give us peace and strength even when we are in the middle of a storm. This Worldwide Pandemic has definitely been a storm for all mankind in varied degrees. Nourishing our souls will help us get through any storm that comes our way.

Everyone has a need to be better, to change, to try harder and sometimes that growth can be painful, but it will always be worth it! Just like those tiny blades of green grass coming through the hard ground. Change is more than a possibility, it is a reality accessible to anyone who truly desires it. Spring is almost here with new life and opportunities for growth. The grass isn’t greener on the other side of the hill. Choose to be happy right where you are. Choose Christ to be apart of your life, A big part! Then share what you have learned. We can do hard things! We can change!

Spring forward and make good wholesome changes!!!