As I think back to the Birth of each of my eight children, I still have a sense of awe as I think of their tiny little bodies so delicate and new, sent from Heaven for a mortal experience. Some would only stay a few days but no matter how long or short the life would be, it was still part of God’s plan….. with an intentional purpose!

The celebration of Christmas mark’s the single most historical event ever known to mankind!!! The birth of our Lord and Savior in a lowly stable. There was no room in the Inn for a King to be born, no cradle for Him to lay in. Just hay to keep Him warm, yet part of God’s plan. The most important part! With an intentional purpose!!! This tiny baby was chosen to redeem all mankind from sin and suffering through A great and Infinite Atonement. Jesus Christ was born to die for each one of us and overcome death so that we might live eternally!

What does the Christ child’s birth, life and mission mean to you? Let me share with you what it means to me.

CHRIST’S birth means that:

I can repent and be forgiven when I make mistakes and commit sin because HE paid the price in Gethsemene by suffering and bleeding from every pore.

I will be resurrected after I die to an immortal state having a perfect body free from sickness and death because HE broke the band’s of death after HE was crucified in Calvary and rose the third day.

I can find peace and joy today as I study HIS teachings in the Holy scriptures. HIS mission and life teach me those principles I need to learn so that I can be truly happy.

I can live with my Family and friends for not only time but also for Eternity as I follow HIS example and strive to live a righteous life.

I can draw upon the strength that lies in understanding HIS enabling and healing power of the Atonement. This understanding will help me survive the hardships and trials I face each day.

The birth of a Babe born in Bethlehem means Everything to me!!! May we all reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas and receive the most precious gift our Father in Heaven has given all of His children in giving each of us His Son!

Merry CHRISTmas from my heart to yours!