An artists drawing of my Husband and my three children who have passed to the otherside.

Grief generally is the result of losing something valuable that brings an emotional reaction of deep sadness. Some examples are, loss of a job, a relationship, a pet, a loved one, a wayward child, personal belongings or maybe a home. Grief can even surface with change in ones character or self image. Grief comes with abuse and manipulation.

I like to refer to Grief as an Art. Like any other Art it is very personal and unique in style and expression. Your depth of love for what you have lost cannot be measured. You can google ‘GRIEF’ and find steps that you will more than likely experience to some degree. But it is certainly not a guaruntee for a 100% recovery. There is no set amount of time it will take you to go through the grieving process. Nor is there a set time when you should be feeling better or happy again.

Turning to someone you trust to express your feelings can be beneficial but your feelings are ‘your feelings‘. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are grieving too much or not enough or its time to ‘get over it’ and move on. You will hear things that do not bring comfort or help you, but try to be compassionate to those who may speak to you. Most of the time they are at a loss of knowing what to say.

Grief can interfere with your life and those duties and responsibilities that are expected of you. You may have to talk to your boss or family and friends asking them to give you the time you need. If you are struggling with sleep and eating you may even need to talk to your doctor or go to counseling. In my own experience I have found that feeling the sadness and allowing it to exist in myself has been more beneficial than trying to suppress it. You are not weak because you grieve. For some it may never pass completley, but it will soften in time and you will eventually except your ‘new normal’.

Being a widow and alone the majority of the time during this Pandemic has been extremely difficult for me. The antidote that has helped me the very most is thinking outside of myself even if all I can do at the moment is to text someone and say “Hi, how are you?” And somedays I open my list of contacts and do just that. Serving and thinking of others has become the bandaid on the sore for me.

I testify that as you reach out to others and the Savior for their compassion and a listening ear you will begin to heal. I testify that your Father in Heaven wants to help you and He will always be there to listen and give you the strength you need. Jesus Christ has felt your suffering and knows how to succor you if you will only ask. Of course there will always be hard days, but if you lean on the Savior and His teachings and try to serve others, you will get through them. I know and believe with all my heart that many of the valuable things you and I have lost will someday be restored and we will experience a greater joy than we have ever known!

Never Give Up, There is Always Hope for a Better Tomorrow!